
Friday, January 31, 2014

Paul Murrys 1930s Pin Ups

Read comic online Like Floyd Gottfredon, Paul Murry is probably most famous for all the Mickey Mouse comics he drew for Western and Dell Comics in the 1940s. But in the beginning of his career, Murry worked at Disneys animation studio as Freddy Moores assistant. Beside redesigning Mickey, as first shown in the 1940s feature Fantasia, Moore was also quite known for his typical portrayal of girls, drawing pin ups and nudes.

Well, it seems Murry learned more from Fred than just drawing Mickey, as you can see from the Pin ups I post here, all drawn by Paul Murry in the 1930s. I think especially the first two resemble a typical Moore girl, dont you think? Check for your self below!

Here are two other pin-up gags attributed to Paul Murry from a later date (1940s):

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