
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Image uncovers 9 11 Conspiracy

Read comic online If you are going to buy only one comic this year, than make your way to the nearest comic shop right now and enlighten yourself, because Image Comics showed balls of steel publishing Rick Veitch The Big Lie this month, right before the tenth anniversary of September 11th!

Veitchs artwork, with inks by Gary Erskine and cover by Thomas Yates, tells the provocative and compelling story of the 9/11 attacks, and shows theyve done an excellent job researching the cold hard facts. I know there are a lot of people out there that have genuine feelings about this, but if youre going to listen to a story, wouldnt you rather hear one that has the facts straight? Here are some bits and pieces from the comic, showing you why I think this may well be the most important book out this year.

Rick Veitch modeled his story after the Twilight Zone episode "No Time Like the Past," from 1963 in which a man uses a time machine to try and stop the bombing of Hiroshima and also attempts an assassination on Hitler before WW II.

Veitch and Erskine start it off pretty basic by introducing us to the protagonist. Shes a scientist working on the highest-energy particle accelerator in the world and found a way to travel back in time. She finds herself in New York City an hour before the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001. Of course shes trying to warn the people working in the buildings and save their lives, especially when one of them is her husband, who she lost that day. Shes got an Ipad with her, and tries to convince everybody whats going to happen soon, by showing them footage of the attack.

...But people dont believe her. Surely US government agencies would have been updated with the latest intel to prevent the attack and save everybodys lives, right?
Fiction trades for facts as Veitch and Erskine confront the reader with the reality of the actual situation. As Sergeant Joe Friday from Dragnet would say...Just the facts, maam!

To go deeper into the situation as it took place that day, Veitch and Erskine introduce an employee that has first hand experience with jet fighters and knows all about the US air defense system. Dont start telling him a couple of boxcutting Arabians would be able to overcome all the power of the US air force?? His information shows us how it takes NORAD less than eight minutes to intercept an airliner and that pilots are permitted to shoot them down if neccesary.
Again, Veitch and Erskine have done excellent research and show us the cold hard facts from that dreadful day:

Yes, the US airforce couldnt react to the attack because it was too busy training for the unpredictable situation of a hijacked airplane and the very unlikely scenario of them crashing into buildings! Feeling warped yet? Did you know the remaining air defense stood down by order of Vice-President Dick Cheney himself? Strangely enough, he had lunch with Osama Bin Ladens brother on September 10th! As you may know, right after the attacks, no airplanes were given permission to take off in the entire US, except for the personal airplane of the Bin Laden family.

The story continues as the female scientist shows the results of the attacks: An American invasion of the Middle-East and Irac althought any weapons of mass destruction were never found by the UN inspectors. But hold on...Veitch and Erskine thrown another log on the fire: the Neo-Cons (Neo- Conservatives, a group of American politicians following the philosophy of German professor Leo Strauss) needed another Pearl Harbor to usher in a return to imperialism, known as The New American Century, as can be read in their document called Rebuilding Americas Defences. It was signed by many of its followers exactly a year before September 11, 2001, among them Minister of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney! The usefull creation of a myth is endorsed by the philosophy of Strauss, calling it the noble lie. He propagated that citizens needed to be led by the elite and that the use of tactical deception was critical for political leaders seeking to maintain a cohesive society (control the masses), a vision based on his interpretation of Platos Republic.

Section V of Rebuilding Americas Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrows Dominant Force" shows it all in advance on page 63. This report from The Project for The New American Century was written in September 2000, a year before the attacks. As you may know, the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was what lead the American people into WWII. (Rumsfeld said on September 25th, 2001: Sometimes the truth is so precious it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies (quoting Churchill, who said this in regard to the invasion of France in 1944).

In the story the feeling of betrayal is personified by the scientists husband, who tries to prove his wife is an imposter. The guy actually has a masters degree in structural engineering and goes on to explain more details about the WTC: The towers were actually built to withstand the crash of fully-loaded Jetliners. Hes even written a thesis on it. This set up introduces us to more details about the actual towers and how there could have been only one way to bring them down:

The scientist explains that the dust, that everybody saw that day when the buildings came down is actually typical for such demolitions. Again, the creators give us more information, that was left out of the commisions report, after the investigation following the attack:

MUST SEE: Check Here For Interview With Danish Scientist Niels Harrit. Harrit and eight other collegues discovered Nano-thermite explosives in the WTC dust in their laboratory.

A third tower, called building 7, actually known as the Salomon Brothers building had never been struck by any airplane! Still, it collapsed like a pancake just the same that morning. A situation that cannot be explained by normal physics! Did you know that reporters of the BBC received an official press release that building 7 had collapsed an half hour before it actually did? As such, they reported it half an hour too early on TV.

Did you know that the Twin Towers became the private property of Larry Silverstein just before the September 11th 2001 attack and that he had insured the towers against a terrorist attack seven weeks before the planes hit the WTC? He made a total of $4.55 billion profit of the 9/11 attack. Also, Silverstein used to have breakfast every morning in the restaurant on the top floor, but on that very day, he couldnt because of a docters appointment. Surprisingly, his daughter, who worked at building 7 of the WTC, also couldnt come to work that day...

The invisible Boeing that struck the Pentagon.

The storyline of The Big Lie sticks with the planes that crashed the WTC in New York. Flight 93 that crash-landed in Pensylvania and American Airlines flight 77 that hit the Pentagon are not part of the story. Remember that the plane that hit the Pentagon was a Boeing 757, a plane 150 feet long with a wingspan of 125 feet wide. The official story still claims that the fires that followed the crash were of such a high degree that the plane just vanished from existence. Sure there was some debris, they even found the drivers license of one of the muslim terrorists among it, but the Boeing 757 had completely vanished! For Europeans: thats a plane 54 meters long, with a wingsize of 38 meters wide! Anyway, the 84 tapes that could shed some light on that mystery are not released to the public by the FBI. Not even a picture of the plane. What could there be that they dont want you to see? I mean, we all know what the building looks like from the outside, right?

Theres also the awkward situation that minister of defence Donald Rumsfeld made an announcement on September 10, 2001, that his department had lost track of
$ 2.3 Trillion Dollars. They simply couldnt find it anymore. You know what that looks like folks? A trillion is a million times a million dollars, and has 12 zeroes to the left of the decimal point! And the amount he couldnt find anymore was more than twice that! He was never fired, nobody was, cause come next day nobody ever talked about it anymore...the money was never found again. Heres a nice video of Bush, being asked how he feels that some are saying he had advance knowledge of 911, remember, this man received the finest education money can buy and should be outraged with such a statement.

The Big Lie is a one-shot, and if you want to know how it ends, you better get it fast. The book also contains a great section with more evidence and facts brought forth by 1500 architects and engineers that cant be explained away and prove theres a much bigger story here. For more information on this subject go to or visit You can also check out the official Rick Veith site and see some of the artwork that didnt make the cut.

Frank Millers Holy Terror.

If you like to read some more after this book, you can pick up the Graphic Novel Holy Terror by comic legend Frank Miller (Sin City), which will be out September 28th. Part two and three Pulp Hope and The Tower Chronicles will be published this winter. Check out the animated trailer publisher Legendary comics created for Comic-Con International beneath (you can also read the first few pages from it on Legendarys site).

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